Hey my Babaysss-
How are you guys? Can you believe here we are in November -listen I’m probably gonna be saying that for the rest of the year honestly because like wtf I can’t believe 2021 is over. To be honest 2021 has been super challenging and super exciting all at the same time. I mentioned in a recent blog post that we bought a house so that was really major for us -exciting and challenging as no one tells you what comes with a house- so it definitely has been an adjustment for all of us. Something major will be happening again this month but I’ll tell you guys when it happens- we’re so excited. We also got really sick this year too which took us out for 2 weeks smh- but I’ll talk about that soon soon as well.
Now let’s get into this look shall we. We’ve been having decent days recently -well 60 degrees and I wanted to take advantage as I was packing away all my heels to go to storage and I saw my fave yellow heels and decided to style them for the last time before the season ended. James ended up taking me to lunch this day because I told him I wasn’t wasting my makeup and I was really feeling my look. Also took some selfies for WrapQueen as well. Jeans and a nice shirt was the look for the day and of course my headwrap. I swear I’m into simple these days, less time to plan an outfit and with simple items in your wardrobe you can rewear your outfits multiple times. I will be wearing this top next with an ivory pants.
Thx for reading guys!
Love Uzzzzz
What I wore: Jeans {Here} Similar {Here}Shirt-{Here}- Love this one{Here} {Here}and {Here}Headwrap {Here} Bag {Here} {Similar}Need this one{Here} Makeup/Foundation {Here} Brow Deets: {Here} And {Here}