Skincare for me is that one thing that I make sure to stay on top of, because your face/skin is what you present to the world, so if you can improve it to be better, then why not. I’m constantly doing research on the best products for my skin as I’m getting older, and I do pay attention to what works and what doesn’t. I know for sure that simple is always the way to go. I’ve always had decent skin not really good not bad. During my teenage years I did break out a lot but I blame that on my environment and stress. I had moved to Jamaica when I was 15 years old and living in a new environment made it worse. Plus I was young and didn’t have the money to really buy proper skincare products so I had to deal with it. When I got back to the states at 18yrs old skin care became a priority for me. I wasn’t good at doing my makeup at the time so my skin was very important to me. I had a lot of trial and errors, but at the age of 30 I decided I would get even more serious about my skin and build a routine using simple products with limited ingredients and it has worked wonders.

Now let’s fast forward to this past summer. I started noticing I was breaking out on my chin and a few on sometimes on my cheek. I was getting small bumps that had no head, so basically not white or black. I think those types of acne breakouts are the worst because there is no quick fix. I originally thought , maybe because I live in a new state and I’m in the sun most of the time, my skin just hated it. But the problem was my skin care routine that was originally working just stopped working. I did some research and found out I was breaking out due to hormonal acne, I was so pissed lol, as I worked hard to have a great skin and felt like I was going backwards.

The first thing I did was change my facial wash I originally started using, Cerave Face Wash I used this particular wash for two months and saw no improvement I then decided to use a higher percent face wash, so instead of 4% I tried 10%. I was desperate to get rid of the small bumps because chile as my makeup was not hitting the same. Once I switched over I noticed changes within 2 weeks and I was so sold. However 4% may work for you so please try that percentage first. I then noticed my older products started working a bit better now too. I did also add peptides to my skin care routine, and with everything combined, along with adding more protein to my diet and cleaning up my diet a bit my skin improved in a month. I will add all the products that helped me below.

Skincare Products:

  1. Face Wash {Cerave 4%}
  2. Face Wash {Cerave 10%}
  3. Oil Cleanser{Cleansing Oil}
  4. Spot Treatment {Sulfur Ointment}
  5. Witch Hazel {Facial Toner}
  6. Ordinary Serum {Hyaluronic Acid}
  7. Ordinary Serum {Niacinimide}
  8. Ordinary Serum (Multi Peptide}
  9. Face Cream (Cerave}
  10. Retinol Eye Cream {Eye Cream}
  11. Cover Girl lip Oil {Hydrating Lip Oil}