One thing about me is I absolutely love wearing denim. I would actually love to have my own denim line one day. Putting it in the universe okayyyyy lol. But one thing I love more than denim, is wearing denim on denim. It just works every time and just gives off a cool girl vibe. I also like that this look can be worn by everyone at any age, as it’s just that timeless.
I decided to wear my plaid scarf with this look as an extra accessory- since I wasn’t wearing my usual headwrap.. Annd it’s so cold here that my scarf was very necessary. Fun fact, what I like to do when I go out, is take my coat off but still wear my scarf as an extra layer and added umph to my look. It just gives off a more an interesting look.
If you’ve been following me for awhile then you know I love leopard print I try to incorporate it in my looks as much as I can. I thought it would go perfect with my plaid scarf- and it was a look. Fashion is all about playing dress up sometimes and trying different things, that’s what makes it fun.
I will link everything for you guys below and or provide similar looks if the exact item is sold out.